Monday, May 21, 2012

What is this?

So, over the past 12 months I've been working on a Masters in Computer Science.

To that end, my thesis topic has been Physical Security Simulation. Not network security. Physical. Like buildings.

To do this I'm trying to find and implement known security heuristics inside of a BIM package, in this case Autodesk Revit 2012.

The basic idea is to allow people to take the design for a building and to run a security analysis on it, identifying the weakest paths through the building and reasonable estimates for how secure the building is. By doing this in the design stage, we can hopefully make it cheaper and easier to make buildings more secure by evaluating and examining choices as the building is designed.

That's the plan.

Along the way I've encountered some oddities within C# and within Revit. This Blog is supposed to be the place where I'll talk about those oddities, problems I'm having and any solutions I find, so hopefully if others embark on similar works, they will not have the same problems as me.

So, here we go...